
This is a new site -- since my old blog has temporarily died. I'm using this as an excuse to jumpstart my writing habit while also exploring Grav. So far, I still kind of hate Markdown, but I'm willing to stick with it for a bit.

I started my original blog in 2004, but I have always been a reluctant blogger. I actually consider myself a writer, though, and over the last 13 years I couldn't count the number of times that I've thought "I should blog that" only to stop myself becasue it didn't seem to "fit" with the purpose of my blog. Maybe that's because my blog was something I create through work (even though I've self-hosted it for the last 10 years or so); I felt like I had a responsibility to keep it on point with regards to work.

A few weeks ago my WordPress blog got hacked, though, and today I discovered that the CPU usage was through the roof again. I contacted my host, and they're working on fixing it. But, for the time being, it's not up and available.

In the meantime, I'd been thinking of experimenting with a new platform. I've been using WordPress pretty much exclusively for many years, and as much as I love it, I wanted to expand my range. So, here I am, intalling Grav and starting this new space. We'll see where it takes me.

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